Academic articles
The Behavioural Logic of Human Security and its Military Implications (in progress)
An analysis of pre-attack self-defence doctrines through a risk-based lens (Journal on the Use of Force and International Law, 2024)
Operationalising Human Security in the Contemporary Operating Environment: Proposing Population Intelligence (POPINT) (Journal of Intelligence, Conflict & Warfare, 2022)
Without data we are fighting blind: the need for human security data in defence sector responses to human trafficking (Journal of Modern Slavery, 2021)
Toward a Better Understanding of Human Security Risks: Developing a Risk Assessment Methodology for Human Trafficking at the Onset, During and After Conflict (Journal of Human Trafficking, 2020)
To What Extent Did Regime Change in Libya in 2011 Affect Russia’s Stance at the Security Council Regarding Intervention in Syria During the Period 2011-2015? (MA dissertation)